Book shop

Choose your purchase:

Book "Stava Perchè" Quantities: € 15,00
Film "Stava 19th July" DVD Quantities: € 15,00
"The Discovery Mountain - Remembrance Footpath" guide Quantities: € 5,00
"Review of scientific contributions" book Quantities: € 30,00
"Sgorigrad - Stava. Identical Disaster" book Quantities: € 10,00

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To Stava 1985 Foundation
Please dispatch my order to the following address

The material will be dispatched following payment by bank transfer plus shipping expenses on the bank account of:

Stiftung Stava 1985
Cassa Rurale Val di Fiemme

EUR IBAN IT98 S081 8435 6400 0000 2152 366

For shipping in Europe
- DVD: € 8,00
- Book: € 10,00

For shipping to America, Africa or Asia
- DVD: € 8,00
- Book: € 20,00

In Italy: € 6,00