Sgorigrad – Stava. Identical disaster

Sgorigrad – Stava. Identical disaster

This book, written in English, Italian and Bulgarian, describes the analogies between the catastrophe of Sgorigrad and Vratza, in Bulgaria, and the catastrophe of the Stava Valley, in Italy. On 1st May 1966, the failure of the tailings dam of the Mir-Placalnica zinc and lead mine, uphill of the village of Sgorigrad, gave rise to a 450,000 m3 mud flow which ran for a distance of 7 km as far as the town of Vratza. The incident caused the loss of hundreds of lives, as well as vast material and environmental destruction. On 19th July 1985, the collapse of the

The Sgorigrad tailings dam failure, 1966

Sofia, Vratza and Sgorigrad. Around midday of 1st May 1966, a 450,000 cubic metre mudslide swept away the village of Sgorigrad in northern Bulgaria, killing hundreds of people and causing incalculable material and environmental destruction. This mudslide was generated by the collapse of the tailing containment dam where the waste muds from the flotation plant of the Mir-Placalnica mine were stored. The book 'Sgorigrad - Stava. Identical Disaster' Трагедията в село Згориград (България) Exploited since ancient times (early records go back to the times of the Thracians and Romans), in 1960 the Mir-Placalnica mine was equipped with a flotation plant

La colata di fango percorse una distanza di circa 7 chilometri, distruggendo buona parte dell'abitato di Sgorigrad, e raggiunse la città di Vratza.

The Tears of Vratza

Vratza is the town located downstream of Sgorigrad which was struck by the mud flow and where many of the victims lost their lives. The Bulgarian composer Peter Petrov has dedicated his symphony “The tears of Vratza” to the disaster that devastated this city. This symphony, performed for the first time the 18th October 2006 by the Vratza Philharmonic Orchestra, has been orchestrated by the Italian musician Gianluigi Borrelli.

Трагедията в село Згориград (община Враца, България)

КНИГАТА “ЗГОРИГРАД – СТАВА. ИДЕНТИЧНИ БЕДСТВИЯ” На 1 май 1966 година се срива хвостохранилището на мината за добив на цинк и олово „Плакалница”, намираща се над село Згориград. Стихия от 450 000 куб.м. кал, камъни и вода изминава седем километра до град Враца, и довежда до значителни опустошения. Загубите са не само материални и природни; бедствието Мината Плакалница Първите сведения относно мината „Плакалница” датират още от времето на траките и римляните. Промишлената експлоатация на рудника започва през 1902 г. А три години по-късно е построена и въжена линия за превоз на добития от мината материал до гара Елисейна. През 1959